Hytera CPS softwares are compatible for all models. But the frameware installed on it and the CPS version must be the same. In other words, if the device is version 8, you should use CPS version 8 as well.
Merhaba BD505 V1.02.05.002 –BD505-00000000-N02000-U1-0-C
Yazılım gerekli yukleme modunda kaldı v3 yazmaya calıştım şimdi eskiye dönmek istiyorum arşivinizde varsa paylaşabilirmisiniz. 73
Estimado, tendrás la versión sas6 de este software?
Sr. Salvo, si podemos encontrarlo, se agregará al sitio.
hello TA3NHI,
need your support password to lunch the software
I want to operate my hytera rd985 as a 2m vhf repeater. Do you have a file for the cps which will allow it to do that please?
Thank you.
Hi Angus
Hytera CPS softwares are compatible for all models. But the frameware installed on it and the CPS version must be the same. In other words, if the device is version 8, you should use CPS version 8 as well.
Merhaba BD505 V1.02.05.002 –BD505-00000000-N02000-U1-0-C
Yazılım gerekli yukleme modunda kaldı v3 yazmaya calıştım şimdi eskiye dönmek istiyorum arşivinizde varsa paylaşabilirmisiniz. 73